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IHRA-Tech e-Bulletin 10. Revised 2nd May 2023
This safety equipment is designed to automatically deploy a vehicles parachutes and shut down both the ignition and fuel systems in the event of a catastrophic failure. Improved driver safety is the haul mark of this technology.
IHRA Australia has made it compulsory to use the Electrimotion Safety system in Top Fuel, Pro Alcohol and Pro Slammer vehicles, and it is MANDATORY for all vehicles running an ET quicker than 6.50 sec (1/4 mile) or 4.15 1/8 mile. This common sense safety and implementation of technology already available to the Racing Industry and ensures that we consider safety to all our competitors as the speeds of vehicles start to push World Record performances that we are constantly seeing in the 400 Thunder Professional Drag Racing Series.
General Reg 4096, Electrimotion
Effective 01/01/2021 any vehicle running a quicker ET than 6.50 ¼ mile or 4.15 1/8 mile must have Electrimotion system fitted with the following functions, Fuel Shut off, Ignition shut down and parachute release device must be functional.


Class Reg Top Fuel Dragster 13625, Top Fuel Funny Car 36910, Pro Alcohol 7885, 8135, 8425, 37633 Pro Slammer 10651, Pro Mod 50003, Exhibition 35695
Electrimotion shut down system must be installed and operational to utilise the following functions, Fuel Shutoff, Ignition shut down and parachute releases must be functional.
Class Reg Pro Alcohol 7886, 8136, 8426, 37634 Pro Slammer 10652, Pro Mod 5004
The use of a momentary button to be driver actuated to override the Electrimotion Safety shutdown system may be fitted.
Class Reg Top Fuel Dragster 13626, Top Fuel Funny Car 34911, Pro Alcohol 7887, 8137, 8427, 37635, Pro Slammer 10653, Pro Mod 50005, Exhibition 35696
Electrimotion is not to be used as the primary activation of parachute (referred to as "driving into the chutes". This is not the intention of the system; this is for emergency situations to provide a secondary back up when a driver is incapacitated. Drivers should always be responsible for the activation of the chutes, fuel and ignition shut off under their own actions. Drivers should always operate the vehicle naturally and not rely on automation. IHRA Technical can at any time review/request your data to ensure that ELECTRIMOTION is used appropriately. Penalties will be put in place of the ELECTRIMOTION system is not used correctly to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Class Reg Top Fuel Dragster 13627, Top Fuel Funny Car 34912, Pro Alcohol 7888, 8138, 8428, 37636, Pro Slammer 10654, Pro Mod 50006, Exhibition 35697
Safety shut off controller kit must be properly installed per the manufacturer’s instructions. Modifications of or tampering with the ELECTRIMOTION shut off controller kit prohibited.
Class Reg Top Fuel Dragster 13627, Top Fuel Funny Car 34912, Pro Alcohol 7888, 8138, 8428, 37636, Pro Slammer 10654, Pro Mod 50006, Exhibition 35697
As per regulation 13626, 34911, 7887, 8137, 8427, 37635, 10653, 50005, 35696. It is important to note that unsafe driving practices will be enforced at all events. Any driver in which is deemed to be in breach of the rule. 1. Competitor will be logged. 2. Second offence $200 monetary fine. 3. Third offence $500 monetary fine and disqualification from the event. 4. In the case of a competitor breaching these standards at a championship round will see a demerit points system included. (i.e., deduction of championship points).
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