Australia have created the Position of
Technical Director to oversee all areas
of Technical rules and safety rules as
the IHRA moves into a period of extended
growth across Australia. Longtime NSW
Racer and Official Tim Nielsen has been
appointed to the role effective
immediately. Tim’s knowledge and
experience as both a racer and
administrator in Drag racing will stand
him in good stead for the position.
Nielsen has been
involved in Drag racing for many years
holding various positions and is also a
regular competitor in the ATURA NSW
Championship Series at Sydney Dragway in
Modified, and has won Multiple Track
championships in his racing career.
Nielsen is Sydney
based and has decades of experience as a
Technical Inspector and has been
involved in assisting Sydney Dragway
since its inception, as well as becoming
NSW Chief Stewards for IHRA Australia
for the last two years.
Nielsen’s prior
experience will stand him in good stead
and he is excited to be taking on the
role and is looking forward to working
closely with race teams and drivers to
ensure a fair and level playing field
for all.
IHRA Australia
Managing Director Maurice Allen said
today “I’m thrilled and proud to have
Tim join our organization and we are
looking forward to seeing what he can
achieve in this role. He is talented in
many areas and has a good understanding
of all levels of this sport, and his
talents will greatly assist all racers
around Australia”.
Nielsen will assist
in the day to day technical issues,
bulletins and rules and will be able to
assist racers with any technical
enquiries. He will also oversee the
Technical Inspector program and issue
regular bulletins to both racers and
Technical Officers around the country as
IHRA Australia continue to grow and
expand here in Australia.
Tim can be contacted
via email on: