Junior Dragster / Junior Drag Bike
Running DYO Elimination
format competition using a Sportsman Tree.
Real Street
Is a new class
dedicated for genuine Off Street vehicles, Full
Street Registration with Australian Compliance
Class designation: RST
A/RST 2013 and later
(Australian Compliance) street registered
vehicles competing 9.00 sec to 12.99 sec ET /
165 MPH.
B/RST 2003 to 2012
(Australian Compliance) street registered
vehicles competing 9.50 sec to 12.99 sec ET /
150 MPH.
Accepted vehicles prior
to 2003
Ford BA models
Holden VX models
Holden VY models
Strictly DOT tyres –
NOT FOR HIGHWAY USE forbidden, No Transbrake,
and No Delay Boxes.
Dial Your Own Handicap
System Sportsman Tree
Super Street
Vehicles running 10.00
to 13.99 in DYO
Elimination format competition using a Sportsman
Super Sedan
Vehicles running 8.50
to 10.99 in DYO Elimination format competition
using a Sportsman Tree.
Competitors cannot dial-in quicker than 8.50
seconds. If you qualify under 8.50 seconds you
will be seeded at the bottom of the field.
Modified Eliminator
Vehicles running 0.00
to 10.99 in DYO Elimination format competition
using a Sportsman Tree.
Modified Bike
Open to all Competition
Bike and Modified Bike entrants running 0.00 to
11.99 in DYO Elimination format competition
using a Sportsman Tree.
Performance Bike
Running on the latest National Records in a
Chicago Shootout with one qualifying round.
Points for win and lose with best package of tie
breaker final.
Top Sportsman
Open to Self Starting
sedans, wagons and utes running 0.00 to 8.99 in
DYO Elimination Format competition using a
Sportsman Tree. Lane choice first round is on
qualifying order then every round after is on
dial in.
Super Gas
Vehicles running on a
9.90 Index in Elimination format competition
using a PRO TREE.