Date: 22/06/2017
Att: All Competitors, Engine Builders,
Speed Shops.
We wish to inform all Competitors that a
decision by the Australian Minister for
the Environment has been handed down to
Phase out All Leaded Fuels in Australia
in two years’ time. This will see the
effect take place on the 1st July 2019.
IHRA Australia is working closely with
Canberra to understand the effects this
will have on the sport moving forward.
A full and detailed release to follow
from the Ministers office in Canberra;
however we felt it was important to pass
the information on to all concerned. We
will provide the release in its entirety
once it is distributed.
This will no doubt have an impact on the
sport and IHRA Australia is committed to
ensuring that all parties concerned
including racer groups will be involved
and invited to provide input and
feedback surrounding the decision and
the steps required moving forward.
IHRA Australia will continue to monitor
this announcement and pass on all
necessary pieces of information
surrounding this issue.
For further enquiries please don’t
hesitate to contact head office on 03
9736 9578
Kind Regards
Maurice Allen